Monday, January 11, 2010

Aldavey Inspiration

Well, it is a rare occasion that I get to talk briefly with a really hot model anywhere in the universe but alas I did, and got permission to paint a portrait of her. Aldavey of Deviant Art and Face Book. This wonderful lady is not just one to post her Photography but loves fan art. I consider this a challenge and a treat to paint a portrait of her just so I can appease my own inner self. Aldavey is a unique model, in that she is not only pretty, but a bit Gothic, Vampirish, hell a That's what she goes by on face book..."Daddy's Little Cannibal"...

My painting is almost complete, and with that I am also recording the process via Cam Studio to place with it, for her and all to see...pending her permission of course. here is her Deviant Art location. and this is the Face Book link.

Stop by and check her out. I know she would love a comment or two...but be nice or I'll pound you with an internet hammer...

Cheers to all and to all a good day...for now.