Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dream Of Flight

A young maiden takes a stance perched in an old dead tree dreaming of one day to take flight like the birds to escape her burdened life. Dreams are all we have she thinks, and for now, I am free. Tried very hard not to go for total realism here. Kept the painting more like traditional style.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Space Rejection

Well guess what!
"Tie Travel"
I decided to post a few works up on MySpace...a place I very rarely go now days. I know the rules about posting naughty pics there due to children visiting and so forth and so on...I carefully selected a few that I was sure was okiedokie to post and to my surprise one of the was deleted. Here is their automated response...

Date: May 12, 2009 10:03 PM
Subject: We ha
d to delete one of your photos
We had to remove an image (or images) from your account because they violated our Terms of Use. Our site is for people as young as 13, so we can't have certain kinds of pics (nude/sexually explicit, violence). Find out more about content we don’t allow at If you continue to violate our Terms, we may be forced to remove your account. If you find an image which you feel is in violation of our Terms, please feel free to use the 'report image' link below the image. Thanks for your understanding. MySpace Safety & Security

Well I
I get into more trouble than it's worth sometimes.
What do I think of their decision?
I hope Tie travels back to this time and dimension and falls on

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Sparks

Finally at the time of upload, I finished a toon that I thought would never be finished. Another character from my stories named Star Sparks. The adopted daughter of Kelly and Tasha Sparks. Star was diagnosed with "cranial vampere stygma" at birth. This disease rarely affects vamperes and is always likely to be terminal. Kelly and Tasha (both vampere) adopted Star when she was at the age of 4. Star's neurological handicap plagued her all of her (first) life with a case of "severe attention disorder" and died at the age of 17. Devastated parents of Star and Star's grandmother; 'Tie Travel', made the decision for Star to become an addition to a new race of Vampere called 'Ti-pere', a name invented by Tie herself describing her own breed of her advanced evolution of the vampere. Tie, bit Star. And now, the newly resurrected daughter of the Sparks family lives healthy and free from her former disease. In this photo taken by Tasha, 'Stars' mother' Strar is posed on the Sparks plantation which overlooks the vampire city 'Vistamere' in the distance. Star at this time is 23 years old and is yet un-married, but that soon changes in the future when she falls in love with her childhood friend Maria.